Herbal divination has been used to foretell future events, identify the guilty, and discover that which is unknown or hidden.
Over the course of time, numerous methods of drawing omens from plants have been devised, from the simple tossing of sticks, seeds, or flower petals to spell out messages, to the reading of tea leaves (also known as “tasseography”), to the burning of herbs and then interpreting the flames, odor, crackle, color, or shape and direction of the smoke produced. Botanomancy (the art and practice of divination by herbs) has been practiced since ancient times by nearly every culture around the world. (Even store-bought candles can be charged with healing herb power by being anointed with an oil made from the appropriate herb.) In addition to healing, all blossoms, leaves, roots, thorns, bark, and seeds have long been employed by women and men of the Craft for divinational purposes. Herbs are also used in sachets, amulets, and homemade candles crafted especially for healing spells and rituals. However, the curative power of plants and trees is not limited by any means to potions alone. Wortcunning is a talent that seems to come naturally to many in the Craft, and most country-dwelling Wiccans (and many city ones as well) are skilled in the art of preparing healing herbal potions. In modern times, many Witches continue to grow and use nature’s herbal remedies to combat illness and disease. The power to heal wounds and to cure the ills of both man and beast soon became the Witch’s trademark, and many wise old women were hanged or burned because they possessed knowledge which was forbidden by the Christian Church. In medieval times, Witches experimented with wild-growing plants, and it was not long before they learned of the wonderful, magickal healing qualities found in many flowers, roots, and leaves. Medicinal gardens were common, and all plants and trees were believed to be governed by the gods and goddesses whose hands guided the destiny of man. “Herbal sorcery” was a renowned art in ancient times (especially in the mythology-rich country of Greece). The art of wortcunning (the use of and knowledge of the secret healing and magickal properties of herbs) is a very important facet of the Wicca Craft, and the relationship between herbs and the Craft goes back a long, long way. Wicca often includes the practice of various forms of white magick (usually for healing purposes or as a counter to negativity) as well as rites to attune oneself with the natural rhythm of life forces marked by the phases of the moon and the four seasons.” For additional information about the ways of Wicca (which is also known as “the Craft of the Wise” or often just “the Craft”), please read my other books Wicca Craft and The Wicca Spellbook. For those of you who are unfamiliar with Wicca, I will try to explain it with a brief excerpt from the introduction to my book Wicca Craft: “Wicca (an alternative name for modern Witchcraft) is a positive, shamanistic, nature religion with two main deities honored and worshipped in Wiccan rites: the Goddess (the female aspect and a deity related to the ancient Mother Goddess in Her triple aspect of Maiden, Mother, and Crone) and Her consort, the Horned God (the male aspect). It is also a mysterious place of superstition, omens, and ancient folklore. It is an enchanted world of green magick where flowers and trees possess the power to heal the sick as well as to bewitch. Introduction Welcome, my friends, to the Wicca Garden. “A Citadel Press book.” Includes bibliographical references and index.
119 West 40th Street New York, NY 10018 CITADEL PRESS and the Citadel logo are Reg. CITADEL PRESS BOOKS are published by Kensington Publishing Corp. No part of this book may be reproduced in any form, except by a newspaper or magazine reviewer who wishes to quote brief passages in connection with a review. Copyright © 1996 by Gerina Dunwich All rights reserved. Originally published by Carol Publishing Group. This book is dedicated to my Gemini soul mate, Al Jackter my mother and Wilva. The Wicca Garden A Modern Witch’s Book of Magickal and Enchanted Herbs and PlantsĪ Citadel Press Book Published by Kensington Publishing Corp. Also by Gerina Dunwich Candlelight Spells The Magick of Candleburning The Concise Lexicon of the Occult Wicca Craft The Secrets of Love Magick The Wicca Spellbook The Wicca Book of Days Circle of Shadows (poetry) Words of the Cosmic Winds (poetry)